Alright, I have hit a plateau, I can feel it. I am back down to 2 lbs above pre-pregnancy but feeling flabby. I have run every single day, but that's certainly not enough. I am very excited to start on Monday! I think the resistance training will add a lot and I will start seeing some kind of results again. Like in any area of my life, if I am not seeing constant improvement, no matter how small, I will not be content. I am pumped to be going on a vacation in 3 weeks, but it will probably involve a bathing suit (AGH!!!!!) so I have even more of an incentive here. While I hate the idea of dieting, I think I am going to (for now at least) cut out the really terrible stuff, like fast food, fried foods, pastries and soft drinks. That shouldn't be too difficult. My dark chocolate will continue to be a staple as well as cheese and other similar delights. Okay, so it's time to see some real freakin results this week!
Total weight gained: 46 lbs
Weight lost: 43.4 lbs
Weight left to lose: 2.6lbs
Fat %: 22.1
Muscle %: 38.8

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