This week was not what I planned at all. It started great when I got up at 5:30am on Monday morning and got myself to the gym to start my plan. And then that evening I ran almost 6 miles. Yeah, I may have overdone it a bit that day because I am STILL SORE from that one day. I realized then that I am not strong enough to weight train daily, even if I do different muscle groups. It's too much. So I am going to build up to it by alternating my weight days with my long running days. I have kept up with my goal of running at least a mile a day though. In fact, today will be Day 20!
I did not lose weight this week. I actually gained a tiny bit of fat (nooooo!) and a bigger bit of muscle. I have decided to start doing front, side and back pictures in a bikini since I am completely embarrassed by it. The shorts and sports bra I was doing before look okay now, so we are getting into the nitty gritty. You can now see my lovely love handles and exactly what needs more work. No hiding in a bikini! Hopefully that will motivate me to push through my fatigue and toddler tantrums as I get closer to my goals.
Total weight gained: 46 lbs
Weight lost: 42.2lbs
Weight left to lose: 3.8lbs
Fat %: 22.2
Muscle %: 39.4

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