This article amazed me and I aspire to do the same! Not for any kind of record, but for myself. At least a mile a day. Forever? Maybe... :) Beginning tomorrow!!!
Often when I compare my pictures from one week to the next, I see absolutely no difference. So every once in awhile, I feel the need to look at the bigger picture to keep myself motivated and inspired to keep going.
TWO POUNDS TO GO! Until pre-pregnancy weight, that is. :) I lost fat and gained muscle, so it was a good week. I went running a couple times this week, but the first time I wore some crappy shoes (OK, my fault for thinking I could just toss them in the washing machine and they would miraculously retain their shape...HA!) and broke my toenail and got blisters on my heels. Boo!!!!! Soooo I ordered some new snazzy running shoes.
These are the BEST shoes I have ever run in. Ever ever. I even got a personal record for my 5K!
I didn't get much of a chance to do other workouts this week since I was dealing with crappy-shoe-foot-pain and had to work a lot at the end of the week, but I am greatly looking forward to re-starting the Bridge to 10K program and going to class and the gym again! Aurélia will be 6 months old in 6 days and it would be pretty cool to lose the last 2 lbs by then, but I guess we'll see.
Total weight gained: 46 lbs
Weight lost: 43.8 lbs
Weight left to lose: 2.2lbs
Fat %: 21.8
Muscle %: 39.4
Alright, so I survived 12 hours without food, and only consumed a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice and a cup of green tea with honey during that time. I felt good. But man, I was starving!!! Which I realize is kind of the point, but it was affecting me in ways that are not conducive to having two small children to take care of (and breastfeed one of them). I literally was afraid to burn a single calorie because I was desperately holding onto the tiny amount I was consuming in order to maintain sanity and consciousness. So now is not the time for this. Never say never, but not now. I don't feel like a failure at all, it was an experiment. Onward.
I have been thinking about the exercises I want to do long-term, way after I have lost the last few pounds and feel pretty confident about how I look. This includes: Running, spinning, squats, planks, and Ab wheel. I have started a plan to gradually build myself up to 500 squats a day, holding a plank for 5 minutes a day, and doing 100 Ab wheel exercises a day. It will take a few months to get to those numbers and then I plan to maintain them. I want to keep running 3x/week, spinning 3x/week, and attending Stroller Strong Moms which includes all of the above (minus spinning). This is a plan I can do long-term. And I'm starting now. ��
This was a recovery week, and it felt GOOD! I did miss working out though and am very excited to be back on it this week. To kick off my workouts this week, I did a spin class at the gym this morning and it felt great!

I have decided to try something I have never done before: a 24-hour detox. I have heard great things about it, so it's worth a shot. If it goes well, I will do it every Sunday and limit my workouts to yoga on that day.
I will be starting "Bridge to 10K" which is the same idea as "Couch to 5K" except I will be transitioning from running a 5K to a 10K in 6 weeks of training, just 3 days a week. The goal is early mornings, without the babies, Mon Wed Fri. There's something very peaceful about running when the sun rises, alone, with my music. It's always therapeutic and enjoyable.
In an effort to entertain my toddler, we will be attending Storytime at the library on Mon and Thurs mornings, but I will definitely be going to Stroller Strong Moms on Tues, Wed, and Fri and the gym on the evenings I can handle (plus maybe some of those delightful Tues and Thurs 5:30am spin classes!)
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