Upon succeeding in my goal of losing all my pregnancy weight, I have been reflecting over the last 7 months. I remember feeling homicidal towards Jillian Michaels in her 30-Day Shred when she threatened her victims with the idea of bathing suit shopping. Or feeling completely defeated by the Insanity entourage and all of Shaun T's antics.

I have seen women react to post-pregnancy in two (healthy) different ways: 1) "I am a mom now, so it's not about me anymore. I have stretch marks, flabby skin, and I am larger than I was before my baby, but it was worth it and I am happy." 2) "I am grateful for this gift of my beautiful baby, but a happy, confident mom makes happy, confident children. I am embarrassed about how much my body has changed, so I am going to fix it so I can be happy about myself again."

There is NOTHING wrong with either of those ways of thinking. All that matters is that you are happy with yourself. If you want to change, then you can absolutely do it. I am definitely in the second category (obviously), but I do not judge those who are in the first. I have been enjoying working hard, getting some time to myself, sweating, and of course, losing the weight and feeling confident in my own skin again! I am no longer embarrassed in anything I wear. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I'm content now. I will keep working out for my own sanity and continuing muscle-toning, but I don't feel fat anymore. And you know what? I did it my way. I didn't diet, I didn't give up chocolate, I didn't do anything I didn't want to do. My body has been good to me. I still look forward to my daily workouts, but my only goals now are to sweat and enjoy myself.

Not embarrassed by my tummy anymore! No make-up, pre-shower, whatever hair, but that's okay!

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