At least this week I didn't regress. I lost a tiny bit of weight and fat and gained a tiny bit of muscle. My workouts were a little more consistent, but not as much as I'd like. This week I'm going to focus on plyometrics, abs, Stroller Strong Moms, and getting my mile of running in every day. I'm also going to see how much water I can comfortably drink each day. I bought a gallon jug and I'm just pouring it into a glass, drinking, and refilling as the day goes on. I think that will help me in a lot of ways.

Also, while I would like to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight and lower, I'm also trying to shape my body into something much better than it was before I got pregnant so I realize my weight may not be the same. I have decided to focus on body fat %. Right now I am at 22% and my ultimate goal is 20%.

Total weight gained: 46 lbs

Weight lost: 42.8lbs

Weight left to lose: 3.2lbs

Fat %: 22.0

Muscle %: 39.6

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